Friday, September 09, 2022

30 days of Divination ~ Day 8&9: Choose Your Own Card

Thursday morning, my non-spawn said to lay out 4 cards. I had a long evening, so the cards set charging next to my selenite all night long. Take a moment to choose a card before reading on.


Wednesday, September 07, 2022

30 days of Divination ~ Day 7: Choose Your Own Card

Today, I posted another 3 cards to choose from. I will be drawing one extra card to go with each for added info. Take a second to choose before moving on.

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

30 days of Divination ~ Day 6: Choose Your Own Card

Today for day 6, I took a set of 3 tarot cards and left them charging with a selenite wand, and posted the image to Facebook, asking my followers to choose a card. I was going to reveal them live but my camera wasn't hooking up when we tried.

Think for a moment and choose your own, before you read on and see the results.

Saturday, September 03, 2022

30 Days of Divination ~ Day 3: Aichmomancy

Welcome to September's "Write Your Craft" 30-Day Challenge! This month it's all about divination, what it is? and 28 different ways to use it! Today, day 3, it's about more sharp things:

What is Aichmomancy?

Similar to acultomancy, aichmomancy uses sharp objects to find patterns to read. This is done with things such as future, knives, nails, and hand sharpened pieces of wood. 

How is Aichmomancy done?
In the most alchemy form documented, a spearhead was spun in the sand and a pattern read. Centuries later, the use of nails and the other listed objects came into practice in the Early Middle Ages. The reader simply drops 7 of the objects onto a flat surface and reads the patterns.

The basic patterns and interrogations are as follows:
Can Aichmomancy be practiced today?

Again, it is up to your belief in your higher self. The patterns can and should be interpreted more by just what you visually see and a catchword, but by the vibrations you feel and intuition you have.

If you haven't seen it yet, CHECK OUT ALTARCRATE™! This month it is a single purchase, but we'll be building a subscription! Limited crates are available! Don't miss out!

Friday, September 02, 2022

30 Days of Divination ~ Day 2: Acultomancy

 Welcome to our brand new "Write Your Craft" 30-Day Challenge! This month it's all about divination, what it is, and 28 different ways to use it! Today we will discuss:

Thursday, September 01, 2022

30 Days of Divination ~ Day 1: What is Divination?

Welcome to our brand new "Write Your Craft" 30-Day Challenge! This month it's all about divination, what it is? and 28 different ways to use it! Today we start with:

Tuesday, August 30, 2022



September's Samhain Box is debuting at $13 (+$10 s&h) and ships September 26th!

Every month you will receive:
  • 1 Information sheet for everything in your box
  • 1 Crystal
  • 1 Chime Candle
  • 1 spell component
  • 1 Deity Info Sheet (We can work in your pantheon! Message me!)
  • 1-2 Wheel of the Year or Seasonal Spells
  • 1-2 Wheel of the Year or Seasonal Recipes 
  • and anything else I find in our budget!
Add-On set (paid monthly): $10
  • 1 Information sheet for everything in your add-ons
  • 20 sticks of incense (approximately)
  • 1-2 Wheel of the Year, Seasonal Item, Décor or Altar Item
Waitlist starts today and will have first dibs on a limited number of boxes!

Orders taken:
1st-16th of the month
Last week of the month so you can enjoy it all of the next

If you like it, subscribe for October! Pay by subscription and save!
  • $15/mth*, $25 including shipping, if paid monthly
  • $13/mth*, $69 including shipping, if paid quarterly
  • $11/mth*, $126 including shipping, if paid bi-annually 
  • $10/mth*, $240, including shipping, if paid yearly
*Prices valid for subscriptions started September-December 2022 and include shipping.

Also, please note: This will be shipped in an ALTARCRATE™ branded package but can be shipped in an unbranded mailer if you are in the broom closet. just message me! 


By joining this list, you are only giving permission for me to email you about shop updates. The newsletter list has first dibs on a limited number of crates!

At that point, you will be given a link to purchase the September 2022 "Samhain" themed box. In October you will be sent a link to choose a monthly or subscription purchase when we begin taking Orders for the October 2022 "Autumn Ends" theme box.

As always thank you so much for your support in me and feel free to sign up for the info, even if you don't know what your plan is for the box. I appreciate your patronage.

Join the ALTARCRATE™ Waitlist!

* Indicates required

Sunday, August 28, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~30-Day Challenge~Day 30 We are the Descendants

It's Day 30 of our 30 Days of Witchcraft "Write Your Craft" Challenge. We've been together on this journey for a full month. I have gained friends, followers, and group members. I have found my voice in the community. I am blessed and I am grateful for you all. Today, I want to talk about our past, our present, and our future as witches. This one is long...take your time.

We are the descendants of the witches they couldn't burn. 
We are the witches that are opening their eyes.
We are the ancestors of the witches that will rise boldly, unafraid.

Friday, August 26, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~30-Day Challenge~Day 29 Litha

We've reached our last Sabbat post for day 29 of our 30 Days of witchcraft "
Write Your Craft" challenge! Litha is the Summer Solstice, the pagan's "Midsummer Night's Dream".

30 Days of Witchcraft ~30-Day Challenge~Day 28 Beltane

We're slowly reaching the end of this month! For day 28 of our 30 Days of witchcraft "Write Your Craft" challenge, we're discussing the Gaelic festival of Beltane, or as you may know it, May Day.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~30-Day Challenge~Day 27 Ostara

For day 27 of our 30 Days of witchcraft "Write Your Craft" challenge we're discussing the first day of spring, Ostara! This is in late March, held on the spring equinox around the 20-21st. As you can guess, with the new life, blossoming plants, and "twitterpation", it is a true sign that spring, warmer days, and sunny days have arrived.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~30-Day Challenge~Day 26 Imbolc

For day 26 of our 30 Days of witchcraft "Write Your Craft" challenge we're talking about Imbolc! Imbolc is a time for renewal, growth and more. Situated halfway between Yule's winter solstice and Ostara's spring equinox, we celebrate this Sabbat on February 2nd.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~30-Day Challenge~Day 25 Yule

For day 25 of our 30 Days of witchcraft "Write Your Craft" challenge we're discussing Yule. Way back in 2018 I did a lot on Yule one season because my girls were asking a lot of questions, so there is more than what I am adding today and I'll add more this season, but for today let's do that info a correspondence list, shall we?

Monday, August 22, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~30-Day Challenge ~ Day 24 Samhain


For day 24 of our 30 Days of witchcraft "Write Your Craft" challenge. The next in this series is another Wheel of the Year sabbat, Samhain. Now, in October we'll do another "30 Days of" challenge all about Samhain, so today we'll do those basics like we did Lugdnasadh & Mabon.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~30-Day Challenge~Day 23 Mabon

We're going to wrap up the final week of our 30 Days of Witchcraft "Write Your Craft" challenge with the remaining Wheel of the Year, Starting with Mabon.

Mabon is considered a "Witchs' Thanksgiving" because it's our fall harvest celebration. It will peak Thursday, September 23, at 9:03 pm EST in the northern hemisphere. (Yes, you read that correctly, 8 days. See my post here for an explanation...kinda.)

Saturday, August 20, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 22 Voodoo/Hoodoo


Day 22! I'm impressed! I never finish these 30 day things LOL! If you're just joining, this is my 30 Days of Witchcraft, "Write Your Craft" Challenge. Today we're going to go a little deeper into the cultural roots involved in spirituality, and discuss Voodoo & Hoodoo. Hoodoo is more like our eclectic witchcraft, while Voodoo is a religion. 

If you want to learn more, come inside, Bondye awaits, children.

Friday, August 19, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 21 The Fae


Day 21, the start of week 3 of our 30 Days of Witchcraft "Write Your Craft" challenge. Three week! You have no idea what that means for me in terms of dedication. I never finish these things.. and now I've planned the next 4 months! 😅 If you've been here before, thanks for sticking around. If you're new, thank you for joining me. 

I'm getting a little whimsical today, talking about The Fae. Do you believe? Maybe you should.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 20 Familiars


According to folklore, familiars were believed to be supernatural entities that assist the "cunning folk" in their practice of magick. Good morning, my loves. Welcome to Day 20 of our 30 Days of Witchcraft in my "Write Your Craft" challenge. Today, we are talking about familiars: supernatural, 4 legged, 2 legged, 8 legged, scales, feathers, and fins. Come join us.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 19 Chants

Welcome back, Witches! Today is day 19 of my 30 Days of Witchcraft "Write Your Craft" writing challenge.  Today, We're talking about chants ~ one of those things people look at us a little crazy for, but I find it cathartic!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 18 Witch's Bells


Hello, Lovelies. Day 18 of our 30 Days of Witchcraft "Write Your Craft" challenge and we're going to wrap up a few more basics, before ending our 30 days with the rest of the Wheel of the Year next week. 

Today we're going to talk about witch's bells. Not just the ones on our altar, but our door, handheld, and wherever else we think they need to be. In olden times, bells were believed to have magical powers. Witches never forgot.

Monday, August 15, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 17 Astral Projection


Welcome, fellow heathens! Today marks day 17 of our 30 Days of Witchcraft "Write Your Craft" journey! This 30 day challenge has been, well, challenging! But it's been healing for me to open my mind to my craft and share with you all. I've accomplished things this last few weeks that I never imagined, and I owe it all to you.

When I wrote this 30 day list I was just writing with no rhyme or reason, just things I wanted to talk about or learn more about. And I popped "Astral Projection", right in the middle of the list. So, here we are.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 16 Sigils

Welcome to day 16 of our 30 Days of Witchcraft "Write Your Craft" Challenge. Today we're going discuss sigils and I'll show you a few cool ways to make them! 

Sigils are an artistic way to manifest things into being. This is an image heavy post. 

Saturday, August 13, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 15 Herbalism

Day 15 of our 30 Days of Witchcraft "Write Your Craft" Challenge!!! Half-way through! Thank you for sticking it out with me.

Today we're going to carry on with different forms of magical abilities with herbalism. herbalism is the practice of using herbs, taken in many ways, to cure ailments and enhance spells, They can detox and help heal. We can use the plant whole, make teas, tinctures, oils, and more. It's a fascinating practice.

Friday, August 12, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 14 Crystals

Today marks 2 weeks in our 30 Days of Witchcraft "Write Your Craft" Challenge. I hope you are picking up a few new pieces of information at the very least.

Today is about crystals. I could go on for days about this, so I'll do us both a favor, keep it short and sweet, and a link for ideas LOL!

Thursday, August 11, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 13 Moon Work

I really didn't plan this but today is day 13 of our 30 Days of Witchcraft "Write Your Craft" Challenge. The reason I say that is because, astrologically, there are 13 Moons in a year; full moons that is. A moon cycle is a little shorter than our calendar month, which is why we get the "once in a Blue Moon" second full moon in a month.

Moon work is a paramount skill in most witchcraft traditions. Today, I will talk about the basics.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 12 Candle Magic

If you are just joining my 30 Day of Witchcraft "Write Your Craft" challenge! If you are returning to read more, thank you for your continued support! 

Today, I'll continue talking about spellwork with candle magic. Candles are great for spellwork as they are easy to come by and , if you are in the broom closet,  they are not a beacon that says you're a witch.

Tuesday, August 09, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 11 Spellwork

Day 11! Is anyone else doing this 30 Days of Witchcraft, "Write Your Craft" Challenge? If you are, let me know below! Today is about spellwork! Do you create your own? It's easier than you think!

Monday, August 08, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 10 Circles

Welcome to day 10 of our 30 Days of Witchcraft "Write your Craft" challenge! We're 1/3 of the way through. I've loved sharing my thoughts and knowledge with you.

Today, we're talking about circles, specifically opening and closing them for spellwork. 

Sunday, August 07, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 9 Deities


We've made it through Week 1 of our 30 Days of Witchcraft 30-day challenge. I hope you are enjoying it. Please let me know on any of my platforms if you decide to answer it as your own challenge!

Today, we're going to discuss deities. I will discuss it from a polytheistic point of view. A deity is a God or Goddess in polytheism. Polytheism is the belief in more than one divine being. 

Saturday, August 06, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 8 Egg Cleansing

Today is Day 8 of my 30 Days of Witchcraft "Write Your Craft" Challenge. I hope to see more people picking up the mantle and writing along!

Today is about egg cleansing. This is an ancient ritual we can do for ourselves or someone else. The process is simple. The interpretation takes a while to learn.

So let's lay this out like I would any spell work..

Friday, August 05, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 7 Cleansing

Today is Day 7 of my 30 Days of Witchcraft "Write Your Craft" Challenge. I hope to see more people picking up the mantle and writing along!

Our post today is about cleansing. Yep. I'm talking about it. I will use the word smudging because that is part of MY practice. I will use the word cleansing because THAT is also part of my practice. I will use the word anointing because that is ALSO part of my practice. And water, and sound, and visualization. Take the knowledge and the reasoning and use it as you see fit. 

Before I start writing today, I need to tag my post The Soapbox of an Eclectic Witch. Read it or not. Agree with it or not. But DO NOT come at me about appropriation. The end.

Thursday, August 04, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 6 Grounding

Welcome back to our "30 Days of Witchcraft" Write Your Craft challenge. I'm finding myself really enjoying sharing all my research! I hope you are too! If you're just joining us, Check out the other pages!

Today's topic is grounding. Have you ever done spell work, or a ritual, and just felt run down and worn out afterward? Or just the opposite - you feel jumpy? amped up? In a nutshell, your energies are off kilter. This is where learning the simple steps to grounding yourself so you can regulate normally and not feel so "off" anymore.

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 5 Travel Altars

Welcome back to Day 5 of our "30 Days of Witchcraft'' Write Your Craft 30-Day Challenge! I hope you’re enjoying it so far! 

Today is about themed altars. There are so many images, I'll just put this Pinterest link here for you to poke around later for ideas.

The theory behind themed altars is that you make altars for certain things like:

Tuesday, August 02, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 4 Altars


It is Day 4 of our "30 Days of Witchcraft'' Write Your Craft 30-Day Challenge! I hope you’re enjoying it so far! 

Today is about our altars. I had mentioned we'd get back to tools and things as we discussed altars later, so here we are.

Here are the basics:

Monday, August 01, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 3 Grimoires or Book of Shadows


It is Day 3 of our "30 Days of Witchcraft'' Write Your Craft 30-Day Challenge! I hope you’re enjoying it so far! 

Today is about our Grimoires or Book of Shadows, but first, let me wish you a blessed Lughnasadh with these FREE Lughnasadh printables in my shop. They were created with love and blessing based on my previous Lughnasadh post and will be free for August. I hope they are a good addition to your Grimoire.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 2 Witch's Tool Kit

Merry meet, and welcome to my first 30-day challenge! I'm excited to talk "30 Days of Witchcraft" with you! To read more about why I'm doing my own 30-Day challenge, go to my "Write Your Craftpage. 

For Day 2, I'm going to talk about a witch's tool kit.

The first things you HAVE TO HAVE are:

Saturday, July 30, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~30-Day Challenge~Day 1 Lughnasadh

Merry meet, and welcome to my first 30-day challenge! I'm excited to talk "30 Days of Witchcraft" with you! To read more about why I'm doing my own 30-Day challenge, go to my "Write Your Craftpage. 

While Samhain starts the pagan "New Year, I'm starting with Lughnasadh/Lammas because it is August 1, Monday and I want to get a little ahead of it so that we can all celebrate in our own ways. 

First things first, Lughnasadh (pronounced Loo-NAS-ah) has been spelled about 5 different ways in my research. Pick the spelling you can remember LOL! Lughnasadh is also the Celtic version of this Sabbat and can be used interchangeably with Lammas. 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Write your Craft

I’ve been trying to find a way to practice my craft more often since I’ve returned along the beam, but as I travel frequently, it is a little difficult. So, I decided to develop myself with some 30 Day challenges! I tried a "Roots of your Craft 30-Day Challenge" but found it to be too basic as I'm well past the stage of "How do you think this will change your views?" 

So now I'm going ahead with my own challenges for us. Jump in at any time or start at the top! All I ask if you join me is that:
  • You have a witchy heart and a desire to share personal thoughts about your craft, without judgment of others
  • Please give credit where credit is due by leaving any and all of my original posts intact when sharing (image, prompts, signature, etc).

Starting July 30: 
  • 30 Days of Witchcraft
    • 30-day Challenge
    • 30 words/phrases about witchcraft
    • Write about what you want, about that word.
    • I'm using it as research for things I've been interested in.
    • Starting with Lughnasadh/Lammas because it's MONDAY!

    Sunday, July 24, 2022

    Roots of Your Craft 30-Day Challenge: Day 3


    Link Back to @maddiviner's Original Post

    How powerful do you believe Magick to be, and why?  

    I had a long night and longer day.. I don't feel like typing.. I just wanna share what moves me when I think of magick and why it's powerful.

    Saturday, July 23, 2022

    Roots of Your Craft 30-Day Challenge: Day 2

    Link Back to @maddiviner's Original Post

    What do you think Magick actually is? What is the power or force behind witchcraft?

    This one is easy for me.
    It is everything. 

    It's the air I breathe. 
    And the Earth I walk on. 
    It's the water and fire that sustain life.

    Friday, July 22, 2022

    Roots of Your Craft 30-Day Challenge: Day 1

    Divination. Does it work? Would you use it? What do you think of those who do? Why?

    I do use divination in the form of tarot. So I'm a-ok with those who do. Does it work? It depends on how you look at it. I think it can help you decide in situations. What are you hoping the cards will tell you to do?

    Thursday, July 21, 2022

    Write Your Craft - Witchy Journaling Prompts

    I’ve been trying to find a way to practice my craft frequently since I’ve returned along the beam. So, I’ve decided to develop myself with a
    30-day challenge! 

    The first one I am doing will be from The Mad Diviner. I'm starting with her Roots of Your Craft 30-Day Challenge to get my gears spinning again! It's for beginner witches, but as we're really getting into actual workings in my kiddo's Paganism 3 homeschooling class this year, I need to refresh myself on the beginner things. So, tomorrow while she's doing her weekly homework, I'll start blogging. 
    I would LOVE for any witches, young or old, to play along. I have no idea where the prompts will take us, but I’d like to give more of us ideas to discuss our craft.

    All I ask if you join me is that:

    I will start writing again!