Monday, August 08, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 10 Circles

Welcome to day 10 of our 30 Days of Witchcraft "Write your Craft" challenge! We're 1/3 of the way through. I've loved sharing my thoughts and knowledge with you.

Today, we're talking about circles, specifically opening and closing them for spellwork. 

Opening a circle is to ask guardians to come into your space and protect and help with your ritual or spellwork. We always close a circle and thank them for their help. I use 5 elements, including Aether, or spirit, in my circles. I use this to ask the Deity best suited for the job to assist me. To write this out for you, I'll use Hekate.

Getting Ready:

  • First, gather ALL equipment you need for the work you are about to do. You do not want to leave the circle until it is closed.

  • Mute all distractions.


  • Sitting or standing in the middle of your circle, use your wand, athame, or finger and repeat each of the following, pointing in that direction.
    • “North, element of Earth. Giver of three-way crossroad dirt. Protector. Please join me and lend me power over Earth.
    • East, element of Air. Beholder as our knife whisks through the wind. Inspirer. Please join me and lend me power over Air.
    • South, element of Fire. Ye who lights the Flame of the torch. Passion Igniter. Please join me and lend me power over Fire.
    • West, element of Water. Full is my chalice. Intuitor. Please join me and lend me power over Water.
    • Aether, Element of Spirit. Great Queen Hekate. Torchbearer. Keeper of the keys. Please join me and lend me power over Spirit.”
  • Here, complete your work. Without leaving your circle.
  • To close the circle, we give thanks.
    • “North, element of Earth. You have shared your strength by Earth. Thank you and Farewell.
    • East, element of Air. You have shared your inspiration by Air. Thank you and Farewell.
    • South, element of Fire. You have shared your passion by Fire. Thank you and Farewell.
    • West, element of water. You have shared purification by Water. Thank you and Farewell.
    • Aether, element of Spirit, Triple Goddess. You have shared your light. You may leave this circle,  but your spirit will forever reside in me. Thank you and Farewell.”
It is a simple opening and closing to your rituals. To me, it helps me transition into ritual work and out of day-to-day thoughts. It's a marker - kind of like hearing a school bell, "Now it's time to do this."

I hope this helps!

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