Sunday, August 07, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 9 Deities


We've made it through Week 1 of our 30 Days of Witchcraft 30-day challenge. I hope you are enjoying it. Please let me know on any of my platforms if you decide to answer it as your own challenge!

Today, we're going to discuss deities. I will discuss it from a polytheistic point of view. A deity is a God or Goddess in polytheism. Polytheism is the belief in more than one divine being. 

In paganism, one tends to accept that all gods exist. After all, If I can believe  Odin and Thor exist; I can believe Zeus and Hera exist. If I can believe Hekate is a Triple Goddess, I can believe that the Christian God is a Holy Trinity. If I can believe in The Green Man, I can believe that Freya and Brigid also exist.

Ok, you say. But how do we know if a God or Goddess is reaching out to us?

You watch for signs. 

Here's a little of my story.

Since I began on this path of the beam, I have believed in the Triple Goddess. When I dedicated my year and a day to relearning how to walk this chosen path, I decided that I would commemorate that year with a tattoo of a version of the three moons of the Triple Goddess. As I studied, I discovered Hecate's role as Triple Goddess. I studied and became more drawn became to her. To show my dedication to her as well, my tattoos became two and one is the Stropholos (Wheel) of Hekate, as a snake - another of her symbols. That was over a year ago.

I wavered from the path again, focusing mainly on crystal work, and less on deity work. More on the Draconic path, and less on Hellenic polytheism. (Hellenic is more about the ancient, animalistic religions of the Greek variety.) But recently, I came back. I opened myself back up to my Goddess. My husband surprised me for Christmas with a statue I had been wanting that had been consistently out of stock or out of budget for years. When I added her to my altar, I wanted to honor her. As I got more into what she represented, I started seeing more signs. 

  • I had a liminal experience and saw her in so many forms in so many visuals.
  • FB randomly suggested a group dedicated to her.
  • That led me to the Covenant of Hekate.
  • That led me to create my own Drawing Down the Moon ritual for her dark moon.
  • Which led me to start working on writing a book of various ritual work dedicated to her.
  • I was wandering the library aisles and found a book of hers I have been wanting to read but the card catalog said they didn't even own it.
  • I picked up a fictional book about a werewolf that sounded fun to read. He's talking about the moon and talks about Hekate.
  • I carry on reading and forget about that. Then he's wolf-napped - and the ship's name they put him on is Hecate.
Yes, Goddess. I HEAR YOU! 

So, I guess in a way, I picked her first. And after a while, she decided she wanted me, too. Only I wasn't listening as well as she wanted. So she made me listen. 

So listen carefully to the signs. Speak to the signs. If you don't know what deity it may be, ask for a clear sign. Then listen some more. If you know of a deity that interests you, study them. Ask them if you can be their acolyte. We are their messengers on this plane of existence. They may ask you if you are worthy, and make you prove it, but they will rarely tell us no.

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