Tuesday, August 09, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 11 Spellwork

Day 11! Is anyone else doing this 30 Days of Witchcraft, "Write Your Craft" Challenge? If you are, let me know below! Today is about spellwork! Do you create your own? It's easier than you think!

We're gonna do this in "who? what? where? when? how?" style.


YOU! Yes, you. You can do this.


You do not have to start out by creating huge ritualistic spells. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple, Sister! Use simple components not some oddly strange root only found in Burma twice a year. Use a white candle, clear quartz, and meditate on it. SIMPLE.


Physically, you can do a spell anywhere. Ideally, you'll be distraction-free. You'll want to store your written spell somewhere safe. You can write it directly into your Grimoire or Book of Shadows, or on a piece of paper added to it.


Whenever you see fit. Some spells do best on certain days, sun, or moon phases. Do your research.

But, CróCalleach,


Do. Your. Research. 

  • Decide on a goal.
  • Visualize the end result.
  • Focus your intent, or will, to manifest that result.

If you want a home blessing spell, search for simple terms. I personally always add "in witchcraft" to weed out things that aren't remotely in the realm I'm looking for.

  • What time of the cycle is best to bless my home in witchcraft?
  • What color is associated with home blessings in witchcraft?
  • What herb is associated with home blessings in witchcraft?
  • What crystal is associated with home blessings in witchcraft?
Chances are you will come up with something that says "Blow a palmful of cinnamon into your home at the beginning of every month." SIMPLE.

Think of something memorable to say, so that you can say it every time you renew this spell. Historically, witches like rhyming If you ask me, it's because it's easy to remember!
  • Bless my humble abode. Let the love and prosperity never erode.
  • Spirits bless this home of mine. In it may prosperity and love always shine.
Ok, those were quickies off the top of my head, but you get the idea LOL!

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