Thursday, August 18, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 20 Familiars


According to folklore, familiars were believed to be supernatural entities that assist the "cunning folk" in their practice of magick. Good morning, my loves. Welcome to Day 20 of our 30 Days of Witchcraft in my "Write Your Craft" challenge. Today, we are talking about familiars: supernatural, 4 legged, 2 legged, 8 legged, scales, feathers, and fins. Come join us.

Alleging to have had contacts with spirits, including demons and The Devil, Himself (yes, capitalized lol), many witches were put to death, and many  unassuming nature loving Christians, I'm sure. Historically they were commonly cats, rats, dogs, ferrets, birds, frogs, toads, rabbits, and a few wasps butterflies, pigs, sheep and horses...basically every animal one might find on a farm or estate. The hypocrisy was  that the witch made a pact with the familiar, to call upon in a time of need, for assistance. Why would a woman need a horse, or talk to her dog or cat? ::eyeroll::

Today, our familiars may yet be of the supernatural variety, as they may have been then. But more likely it is a pet, farm, or other common yard animal that senses our natural, earth-loving, nature respecting energy, and is drawn to us. While we may draw strength from them, what we commonly draw from them is comfort and companionship.

This is Belle, my late familiar, from kitten to adult. She was a daddy's girl, loved playing "bopping" games with the kids,  but you can see in all the pics how far away from me she ever got. One of these I couldn't take because she was on me LOL! (purple shirt is my shoulder) Two, I was in the bathtub, and she just sat there.. staring at me. Weirdo. I do miss her so much.

I long for another companion, and adopted another cat, but Calypso claimed her water baby name and just as strongly claimed my youngest child, then a budding sea witch. Tonight, said child, now 16, went to babysit, and when she got home Calypso YOWLED at her until she paid attention to her and went to bed. 

Like I said, they're weirdos. 

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