Wednesday, August 03, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 5 Travel Altars

Welcome back to Day 5 of our "30 Days of Witchcraft'' Write Your Craft 30-Day Challenge! I hope you’re enjoying it so far! 

Today is about themed altars. There are so many images, I'll just put this Pinterest link here for you to poke around later for ideas.

The theory behind themed altars is that you make altars for certain things like:

  • seasonal (wheel of the year or just fall, winter, spring, summer)
  • your chosen deity (for example, I have an altar dedicated to Hekate)
  • an ancestral altar (I have an altar dedicated to my passed-on mother, grandmother, and mother-in-law)
  • a blessings altar (home protection, money, self-love, job hunt, etc)
  • a "client" altar (if you do spells for other people, you may want to do them away from your personal altar.
  • travel (a smaller, "boxed" altar to take with you on trips)
  • Anything you can think of, yes, you can create a themed altar for it.

Themed Altars at Home

Recently on some platform or another that I was scrolling (Pinterest, Facebook, Tumblr, Insta.... ??) I saw a cute idea graphic to use a mason jar for a themed altar, and I scrolled on past. But it stuck with me like a catchy-tune earworm, and now I totally plan on getting myself this 2 pack of dishes to do this for my home! Shallow and wide enough to add plenty of things, but tall enough to keep little fingers away when needed, since I nanny for my godchildren.

I figure can add a base of salt or dirt depending on the need, a candle holder in the middle (to make burning and changing the candle out easy), and then have space to add in trinkets, herbs, crystals, and other objects for whatever it is dedicated to. When I get to it, I'll definitely tag a post here!

Travel Altars

Travel altars can be any size that you need; a mini M&M's tube, a briefcase, or a suitcase. I just saw one on Etsy in a makeup train case (search "broom closet witch")! I've seen mint tin size, MINI mint tin size, jewelry boxes and here, and simple wooden boxes. The images below come from those blogs/links. Usually simple, they will hold a candle, a crystal or shell, an herb, a match or lighter, and a small altar cloth, but it can hold whatever you need in it. 

For the Broom Closet Witch

Some of our pagan sisters and brothers cannot "come out" because of community or family. We call these the "Broom Closet Witches", much as the LGBTQIA+ community uses "in the closet". It is a travesty in both communities that you cannot be your authentic self, wide open for the world to see, and I am truly sorry that the world is this way.

However, you can still have your altar! Here are the elements we put on an altar, where, and how you can incorporate it into your space or bedroom!

So, choose one or two from each column and put them on that side of your room! 

Yet you Glade Plug-In on the east side of your room, a houseplant on the north side of your room, a small fishbowl on the west side of your room, and a lava stone bracelet (the ones you can get for aromatherapy) on the south side of the room, maybe on top your jewelry box!

You can hang stars and moons in your room instead of pentacles or pentagrams. Depending on what you feel connected to you could do a whole them. You're a green witch? Houseplants & an herb garden! Sea witch? Mermaids, seashells, and driftwood decor! Think outside the box here and be you!

Join me tomorrow for grounding!

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