Friday, August 05, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 7 Cleansing

Today is Day 7 of my 30 Days of Witchcraft "Write Your Craft" Challenge. I hope to see more people picking up the mantle and writing along!

Our post today is about cleansing. Yep. I'm talking about it. I will use the word smudging because that is part of MY practice. I will use the word cleansing because THAT is also part of my practice. I will use the word anointing because that is ALSO part of my practice. And water, and sound, and visualization. Take the knowledge and the reasoning and use it as you see fit. 

Before I start writing today, I need to tag my post The Soapbox of an Eclectic Witch. Read it or not. Agree with it or not. But DO NOT come at me about appropriation. The end.

still here? 

Thank you for staying. If you read the soapbox post, it's something I'm passionate about, if you can't tell. I appreciate you.

So without further ado...

What is cleansing?

In many practices of the spiritual variety, it is important to cleanse your space before any ritual can take place. This is done to affect a removal of negative energy in our space and our mind - kind of like a colon cleanse does for our body.

Feng-Shui experts say when cleansing to go clockwise around your space, usually starting at the entrance, spending extra time in stagnant corners, and not forgetting closets. If you are cleansing your whole home, do not forget laundry rooms, garages, basements, and outbuildings.

There are several types of cleansing that are used frequently and I'll touch on each one:

  1. Smoke
  2. Sound
  3. Water
  4. Salt
  5. Sweeping
  6. Anointment

Smoke Cleansing

This seems to be the most common type of energy cleanse and will likely be the longest explanation. Hang in there!

I will go on record and say that followers of Indigenous/Native American cultures use the term smudging. It's the same thing, used for spiritual purposes for separate practices. 

Smoke cleansing uses both fire and air energy to cleanse your space. Smoke smothers the energy and the air carries it away. Many practitioners say to open windows so that it has a place to go. I understand and mostly agree, but have also smudged heavily in a closed room and let the smoke smother and choke the energy and let it die. Do as you see fit and have time for.

You can use many herbs for smoke cleansing, just check to make sure it is safe for close quarters, animals, and people before using something new. Sage, rosemary, cedar, and sweet grass are very common, as are Palo Santo sticks. Incense can also be used and offers a low-cost way to have multiple different herbal correspondences. as well as a censer, small carriable cauldron - I love my cast iron one, or another heatproof container with charcoal using dry herbs or resins. If using a traditional wrapped smudge stick or bundle of herbs, it is helpful to carry something to catch ash and falling embers. many traditions use an abalone shell. Remember no matter what you use, please practice fire safety.

Sound Cleansing

Sound cleansing is in an ancient technique that uses various sound frequencies to cleanse a space. We also see it a lot in meditation. This can be done with hymns, chants, bells, drums, and/or singing bowls. I've recently heard one of these in person and I am OBSESSED with getting one. It resonates so beautifully! I'm getting goosebumps typing about it! A set of them can be used to strike different cords. LOVE! 

You know, I have my late mother's tambourine. I play it sometimes when I'm down. Huh. Interesting. LOL! 

Water Cleansing

It's also known as asperging, most commonly used by the Catholic Church. It is the act of using the power of water, usually consecrated, to cleanse an area, person or space. This can also be seen in Christian baptisms. 

In magical traditions, water, or other liquids (most commonly wine or mead) are consecrated with moonlight, sunlight, crystals, and/or herbs.

It is actuated by dipping your fingers in the liquid (sound familiar?) and lightly sprinkling as you walk in a perimeter. For a more modern approach, you could use a diffuser with herbal essential oils.

Salt Cleansing

Salt is a little bit of a jack of all trades in witchcraft, isn't it? It's a good thing though! It's cheap and easily accessible. So, saying that, you probably know this one. It will do everything from cleansing energy to banish hexes and line a margarita glass. It can also cleanse your crystals, read up on that though as it will damage some type of stone.

For cleansing, you can make a sea salt spray and mist the air - add in some essential oils for a boost and shake well at each use. Put a bowl of sea salt in a container near your front door and stop those negative vibes before they get in! You can do this in little bowls around your house, too! When it gets a little clumpy, assume it's full of those negative energies and hang it. Use Himalayan salt lamps for a gorgeous self-renewing energy cleanser. Always add salt to home protection jars - heck, any protection jars! Channel your inner Winchester and make salt protection circles around your ritual space. Line your window seals with it as well! Yes, those boys really did have some good tips sometimes!


This one is simple. I'm not saying "sweep your house", though that helps lol! Generally, you'll have a broom specifically for cleansing purposes - a besom. Add some chanting while you sweep then refresh that salt. BOOM BABY!


Anointing is the ritual act of pouring aromatic oils over a person's entire body to rid them of dangerous demons and spirits. You can do this to a smaller degree in your home with essential oils, mixed in that spray bottle or diffuser. You can also use it to cleanse tools. I also do the same with an altar oil I have to cleanse my tools.

I'm sure this isn't an exhaustive list, but it's a good place to start! It can't hurt to visualize or speak it into existence while cleansing. The main thing here is to use what you feel works to cleanse your mind and spaces.

Until tomorrow!

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