Wednesday, August 10, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 12 Candle Magic

If you are just joining my 30 Day of Witchcraft "Write Your Craft" challenge! If you are returning to read more, thank you for your continued support! 

Today, I'll continue talking about spellwork with candle magic. Candles are great for spellwork as they are easy to come by and , if you are in the broom closet,  they are not a beacon that says you're a witch.

First and always, please practice proper fire safety.

Candle magic is a very simple form of spellcasting. It doesn't require anything fancy or ritualistic. Nearly everyone in the world has cast a candle spell! Remember making a wish when you blew out your birthday candles? But now instead of just wishing for things, we're going to channel that energy and declare our intent.

Choosing a Candle

Choose your candle based on your intent. Want to do a 7 day money spell? Get a 7 day candle. Have a spell that you have to focus your energy until it is out? Use a birthday candle or a tea light. Try to use a candle only once unless your spell calls for it to be relit, like that 7 day spell.

Candle Color

Generally certain colors of candle are thought to help with certain things. This list id from

  • White: Purity and truth
    • Some traditions allow white to be used as a substitute for any color candle.
  • Red: Courage and health, sexual love, and lust
  • Pink: Friendship and sweet love
  • Orange: Attraction and encouragement
  • Gold: Financial gain, business endeavors, and solar connections
  • Yellow: Persuasion and protection
  • Green: Financial gain, abundance, and fertility
  • Light Blue: Health, patience, and understanding
  • Dark Blue: Depression and vulnerability
  • Purple: Ambition and power
  • Brown: Earth-related or animal-related workings
  • Black: Negativity and banishment
  • Silver: Reflection, intuition, and lunar connections
Then what?

Cleanse your candle in your chosen way, You can do this in nearly any of the ways we discussed on Day 7.. Obviously, keep your wick dry. While doing this, set your intention. just tell it what you're using it for. Make your little rhyme or chant. You could write your intend on a small piece of paper, light it and use it to light your candle, then let it burn in the fireproof vessel you have your candle in. Allow the candle to burn safely. 

Many practitioners read signs in the flame but there is no consensus on what most things mean. 

You can also use candle magic for divination, so stay tuned for that in September's "30 Days of Divination"!

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