Thursday, August 04, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 6 Grounding

Welcome back to our "30 Days of Witchcraft" Write Your Craft challenge. I'm finding myself really enjoying sharing all my research! I hope you are too! If you're just joining us, Check out the other pages!

Today's topic is grounding. Have you ever done spell work, or a ritual, and just felt run down and worn out afterward? Or just the opposite - you feel jumpy? amped up? In a nutshell, your energies are off kilter. This is where learning the simple steps to grounding yourself so you can regulate normally and not feel so "off" anymore.

First, you need to find a place you'll be undisturbed. Turn off the phone, lock a door, or - as I prefer - leave the phone inside and go outside. I like to do this barefooted and touching the earth. It is called grounding, right?? LOL! It works for me, you do what's best for you.

In a seated position, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths, until your breaths are even and steady. This is to relax you. Sometimes it's easier to count, chant or hum. The classic meditation, hands on knees, fingers grasped like an Italian chef, "Ohm"? That sort of thing. Once you feel relaxed, we move on to channeling the extra energy.

Rub your hands together and try to visualize a ball of energy as you pull your hands apart. Sometimes you just all of a sudden realize that space between your hands doesn't feel empty. You're holding something.  (This is also a part of centering. If you need that energy, you draw it into yourself, focused on the task you need it for.) For grounding, we are going to release it. 

Keeping your eyes closed, visualize rolling that energy into a tight ball. Once you have it wrapped up tight, push it away from you: into the ground, a pot of soil, a bucket of water. I usually find by this point I'm standing again and I force it through my feet into the earth. Whatever visualization works for you, do it.

This, in my opinion, is where the concept of worry stones came from. You're taking that anxious energy and rubbing that rock for all it's worth! If that is something you can understand, DO IT! If you need to say some wacky DBZ "kameha - meha - MEHA!" then do the thing! I use the earth because the earth gives me enough energy - I like to give some back.

Hopefully, this helps. You can do this anytime, not just after spell work. Anytime you have that anxious energy. Maybe I'll teach my husband ☻ I'll leave you with this till tomorrow! ☺

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