Thursday, July 28, 2022

Write your Craft

I’ve been trying to find a way to practice my craft more often since I’ve returned along the beam, but as I travel frequently, it is a little difficult. So, I decided to develop myself with some 30 Day challenges! I tried a "Roots of your Craft 30-Day Challenge" but found it to be too basic as I'm well past the stage of "How do you think this will change your views?" 

So now I'm going ahead with my own challenges for us. Jump in at any time or start at the top! All I ask if you join me is that:
  • You have a witchy heart and a desire to share personal thoughts about your craft, without judgment of others
  • Please give credit where credit is due by leaving any and all of my original posts intact when sharing (image, prompts, signature, etc).

Starting July 30: 
  • 30 Days of Witchcraft
    • 30-day Challenge
    • 30 words/phrases about witchcraft
    • Write about what you want, about that word.
    • I'm using it as research for things I've been interested in.
    • Starting with Lughnasadh/Lammas because it's MONDAY!

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