Sunday, July 31, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 2 Witch's Tool Kit

Merry meet, and welcome to my first 30-day challenge! I'm excited to talk "30 Days of Witchcraft" with you! To read more about why I'm doing my own 30-Day challenge, go to my "Write Your Craftpage. 

For Day 2, I'm going to talk about a witch's tool kit.

The first things you HAVE TO HAVE are:

1. You
2. That's it!

Anyone who tells you that you have to have all these things are wrong. Anything else is extra tools. Things you use to carry out a purpose. But you can just do it yourself by speaking to your universe and asking for "the thing".

Simple for baby witches and witches in the broom closet. You need no outward tools. Much the same as Christians praying you can do the same thing to your universe. It can be to the Christian God, or any God or Goddess from any pantheon, or literally just to THE UNIVERSE - whatever your beliefs are. Use them. Remember: You do not need a deity (God/Goddess) to practice witchcraft. You can be a Christian witch. Wicca is a religion., so just as not all Christians are witches, neither are all Wiccans witches, nor all witches Wiccan.

Other Tools of the Trade
The important thing is to use whatever fits your budget and needs. I started fleshing out my personal tool kit in my 30s and 40s! For a long time, I had a simple paper printout (below) to represent the things I did not have, for visual purposes when I was trying to envision something.

Here are some basic tools and what they represent. There will be more later as our 30-day challenge progresses!
  • Paten or Altar Plate
    • a flat plate-like surface 
    • symbolic of the element of earth
    • usually carved with a symbol, often the pentagram
    • used to bless or charge items
    • often fireproof to act as a trivet for objects that use flame
  • Athame
    • a knife, doesn't have to be sharp
    • symbolically represents the element of fire
    • it can be inscribed
    • used to direct energies for ritual purposes
    • is usually only used for spell work, and not for everyday tasks
  • Wand
    • yes, that kind of wand
    • symbolically represents air
    • can be made from any material or a combination of materials
    • as the athame, it is for directing energies that aren't drawn to an athame/knife.
  • Chalice
    • also known as a goblet
    • is symbolic of the element of water
    • Can actually hold water on your altar
    • similar to the Christian "Holy Grail" it is symbolic of the Goddess's womb in many traditions.

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