Friday, July 22, 2022

Roots of Your Craft 30-Day Challenge: Day 1

Divination. Does it work? Would you use it? What do you think of those who do? Why?

I do use divination in the form of tarot. So I'm a-ok with those who do. Does it work? It depends on how you look at it. I think it can help you decide in situations. What are you hoping the cards will tell you to do?

That's probably what you should do. But, I have seen them accurately display the past of a querent. I've seen them accurately display the present and future of a querent. So Do I believe they work? Yes. 

But I can say that you have to use them as a guide. Asking if you're going to pass the test? Basic School 101: You have to study. Asking if you'll get pregnant? Sex Ed. 102: You have to have sex around the time of ovulation to get pregnant. It's a card, not a miracle.  Asking if you'll get the promotion? Job Skills 101: You have to do your job, well. In cases like these, the cards are saying, "Yes! Absolutely! You CAN DO THE THING! But you have to put in the effort, too, Bud."

That's my 10¢! Until tomorrow...

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