Friday, September 09, 2022

30 days of Divination ~ Day 8&9: Choose Your Own Card

Thursday morning, my non-spawn said to lay out 4 cards. I had a long evening, so the cards set charging next to my selenite all night long. Take a moment to choose a card before reading on.


(Remember, I do these talk to text because it's easier to explain that way. That's why they ramble a little LOL!)

The SIX OF WANDS shows us that you have used your strengths and your talents and your abilities and you have met a grand goal that you set yourself to. You're getting praise for that, not only by friends and family, but you are getting recognition publicly outwardly for that it is something worth celebrating.
With the PAGE OF WANDS, we see someone that has the easy distraction of youth, even if they are not in that age category. They see the big picture. They see what needs to be done. They have the means to get it done, but they don't have that drive to push and get it done. So you know what to do. GO DO IT!
Card is the KING OF CUPS, reversed. This man that is usually a vivacious and caring and compassionate is faltering and losing control of his emotions so he may be volatile, controlling, overwhelming, or just scattered and not know what to do. This could be you or this could be someone in your life, and if it is you know who it is as soon as I said those things. There's something going on with him that is making him feel vindictive and wanting to punish someone. Get control of those emotions or help him get control of those emotions this is not how he normally is.
We're seeing the SEVEN OF PENTACLES again but this time it is upright. This is showing hard work perseverance. It's showing that if you have been putting effort into work it is now paying off, and it's going to keep paying off in the future. If you were looking to invest this is showing that it's going to work not just short-term but long-term your efforts are going to be rewarded. This is going to work for you. And this is because you value your investment. You value the effort you're going to be putting in, so therefore you value the reward you're going to get. That attitude is going to pay off for you in the long run.

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