Monday, September 05, 2022

30 Days of Divination - Day 4 & 5 - An Introspection


Yesterday was my godson's second birthday. Total love of my life... One of them lol.  There were lots of people there. Lots of kids there. It was awesome. He was happy and had so much fun. We stayed late, hung out with mom and dad after the crowd died, and walked home. We live like a block apart.

Once I got home, I crashed, hard. I didn't want to do anything. I needed downtime like I haven't needed in a long time. My husband was in a happy-go-lucky playful mood and I literally burst into tears at one point with him just goofing off with me. I felt so bad because I hate killing his playful moods. 

So, does anyone else get like this? I usually don't. I thrive on it being an oddly extroverted empath, but damn yesterday, well last night, was rough.

I, of course, was worried because I let you down. #30daysofdivination and I had missed yesterday completely. I was stressing about writing two today. My husband, in the strangely knowledgeable way he always has, said, maybe you shouldn't set yourself up so much? Why do a full month on things you have to research daily? Do something you know better right now, so you can toss anything out when you have time and NOT STRESS OUT?

I hate it when he's right.

SO... we're still doing 30 days of divination. But we're going to do it on the few things I know and the few things I want to research for my own knowledge, and if I don't have time to sit and write a full long post, we'll still have something informative and smart LOL!

Until tomorrow!

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