Friday, August 03, 2018

Wheel of the Year: The Deal with Sabbats

Four of our Sabbats (Yule, Ostara, Litha, and Mabon) astrological events - solstices and equinoxes, and change peak dates year to year within a few days.

Mabon (Fall equinox) and Yule (Winter Solstice) however last approximately a week if you just search for the specific dates. I haven't determined exactly why.. (I'm researching), but I like to think that this is because our ancestors took the end of harvest and the cycling of death and rebirth throughout those sessions seriously.

But, regardless, we don't have to be exactly rigid in our celebration dates. Do you think that if our ancestors missed a solstice that the crops went unplanted? unharvested? That winter stopped? Not at all, and there is no point in wasting that energy because you missed one specific day!!

There is, if course, a peak moment of Sabbats..a strongest point, if you will, if you need that energy for specific work, but Sabbats last long enough for thought, ritual, afterthought, and contemplation. The good news is that this gives us ample time to hold our festivities (use or spare a spoon or two, if necessary) and still bless each one well as we usher it in.

The other four Sabbats (Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas/Lughnasadh, and Samhain) are approximately halfway marks between each equinox or solstice and technically last approximately a 24 hour period the same dates each year. Their peaks are generally said to peak at midnight or high noon, depending on the event

During my posts about Sabbats, I'll give you the date spreads as well as peak times. Remember: solstices and equinoxes can vary slightly year to year and hemisphere to hemisphere. My information is for the northern hemisphere, US Eastern Standard Time. A quick Google search will give you your best peak times.

However, as witchcraft is about intent, use these days as you see fit, and hold rituals as you will. Intent is your only boundary, and blessings and offerings are always appreciated.

Until next time,

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