Saturday, August 04, 2018

Wheel of the Year: Mabon Correspondences


Mabon 2018 will begin on Friday, September 21 and ends on Saturday, September 29. It will peak Saturday, September 22, at 9:54 pm EST in the northern hemisphere. (Yes, you read that correctly, 8 days. See my post here for an explanation...kinda.)

Mabon is considered a "Witchs' Thanksgiving" because it's our fall harvest celebration.
It is the beginning of shorter days and longer nights (fall equinox), and a goodbye to those perfect days of the growing season. Just as the pilgram and Native American story of celebrating a harvest Thanksgiving dinner and blessings together, so do we. WE celebrate and give thanks to The Green Man for the harvest. Offerings of fall ciders, wines, herbs and fertilizer are appropriate at this time as well.
Mabon is a perfect time for looking back in the past year and considering blessings and what you have to be grateful for, how you have grown, and what you have reaped in your personal, family, work, and witchy life.
For our Mabon series we will discuss:
  • Correspondences (This post)
  • Showing gratitude & Offering thanks
  • Harvest decor and Altar ideas
  • Mabon recipes
  • Folklore and other Mabon stories
...and more!
Today I'll start with correspondences.
  • Associated colors are the rich colors of fall. Some correspondences are:
    • Brown - Security, Friendship, Generosity, Beginnings, Endurance, Strength, Focus, Concentration, Earth
    • Violet - Security, Friendship, Generosity, Beginnings, Endurance, Strength, Focus, Concentration, Earth
    • Red - Passion, Fire, Courage, Strength, Energy, Desire, Ambition, Confrontation, Motivation
    • Orange - Happiness, Kindness, Relieving depression and abandonment, ceativity, self-expression, joy, fun, action, opportunity, celebration
    • Gold - Masculine Divinity, Great Fortune, Abundance, Prosperity, Understanding, Solar/Sun Energy, Positive Attitude, Luxury
  • Stones and their energies are:
    • Cornelian - Healing, Creative, Sympathetic
    • Smokey Quartz - Potential, Beginnings, Change
    • Yellow Agate - Protection, Peace, Healing
  • Herbs, Plants, & Spices relate to:
    • Apple - Wealth, Prosperity, Divination, Love, Fertility, Beauty, Marriage, Soul, Afterlife, Immortality
    • Cinnamon - Energy, Creativity, Aids with Financial Matters, Courage, Lust, Happiness
    • Nutmeg - Fidelity, Luck, Well-being
    • Sage - Purification, Repelling negativity, Wisdom, Intuition, Divination
    • Vines - Longevity, Prosperity, Connection, Binding, Strength, Confidence in Self
    • Oak - Strength, Protection, Money, Success, Fertility, Stability, Health, Healing, Potency and Good Luck
Now, if you have something specifically fall harvest to you, IT CORRESPONDS.

Remember: Intent over Requirement.

This means you don't have to have everything EXACT, use a suitable substitution for yourself and fill it with your intent. I also call it...


I read a Tumblr post recently written by someone who lives in the dessert...I wish I could remember who! Anyway the writer said that prickly pear come into season in the fall and he or she used that in place of apples and apple cider, as it was a favorite and readily AVAILABLE. Prickly pear is resilient, hardy..Its a cactus so it's got protection and strength nailed too! The intent and availability works.
Below is a graphic so you have something to pin or download if you're interested :)


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