Saturday, December 01, 2018

Wheel of the Year: Yule ~ Correspondences

Yule 2018 will begin on Friday, December 21 and ends on Tuesday, January 1. It will peak
Friday, December 21, at 5:23 pm EST in the northern hemisphere. (Yes, you read that correctly, 12 days. See my post here for an explanation…kinda. Yuletide also corresponds with many Old Norse traditions, including the 12 days)
Yule is the turn of the light. On Solstice night, the longest night of the year, we celebrate the rebirth of the Oak King. bringer of life. When the sun rises the morning after the peak, the days once again begin to lengthen and the sun stays longer each day, beginning it’s slow thaw of the frozen land.
In olden days, bonfires were lit and cider was drank. Yule logs were lit in fireplaces. Children were gifted clove studded fruit, and plans for the future were dreamed upon. It was and is a time for introspect and family, happiness and love.
Today I’ll start with correspondences.
  • Associated colors are the traditional colors people associate with Christmas. Some correspondences are:
    • Red – Passion, fire, courage, strength, power, joy, renewal, energy, health, motivation, desire, ambition, leadership, self-esteem, business deals, combat, confrontation, buying & selling, mechanical things, repairs, hunting
    • Green – Increasing love and trust, faeries, general healing, wellness, transformation, new beginnings, prosperity, money, career, employment, hope, immortality, rebirth, garden magic, herbal magic, fertility, luck, courage, change, peace, harmony, relationship success, beauty, soul mates, artistic ability, affection, partnerships, alliances, grace, luxury, social activity, marriage, decorating, cosmetics, gifts, income, gardening, gardeners, architects, artists, cosmetologists, chiropractors, dancers, engineers, entertainers, fashion, models, designers, music, painting, poetry, courtship, dating, household improvements, planning events, shopping
    • White – Safety, protection, transformation, enlightenment, connection to higher self, becoming more outgoing, relieving shyness, the cycle of life, freedom, health, initiation
    • Gold – Masculine divinity, great fortune, abundance, prosperity, male energy, understanding, divination, fast luck, solar/sun energy, positive attitude, justice, health, attraction, luxury,  inspiration, wealth, power
  •  Stones or crystals and their energies are:
    • Quartz (clear) – Amplifies and directs energy, builds energy pathways, enhances energy and thoughts, protection, brings in purified energy, counters black magick to the crown chakra.
    • Ruby – Aids regeneration of  heart, enhances circulation, vitalizes blood and body/mind system., strengthens immunity, activates sluggish or dormant conditions on physical/spiritual levels, courage, integrity, selfless service, joy, spiritual devotion, power, leadership. Helps banish sense of limitation.
    • Diamond – Fierceness, strength and fortitude, strengthens friendships, protects from evil, disease and plagues. If set in gold it drives away night monsters. Diamonds also require cleaning often.
    • Pearl – Enhance femininity, attract happiness, improve concentration, strengthen self esteem, ensure balanced emotions, can be used in any full moon ritual.
    • Garnet – Health, cheerful disposition, self-esteem, love, business success, past life regression, consistency of love & friendship, travel protection, happiness, peace, balance, patience, inspiration, persistence, wisdom, fertility
  • Herbs, Plants, & Spices relate to:Mistletoe – good luck, love and money spells, many traditional charms
    • Balsam/Fir – cleanses negative atmosphere, symbolizes immortality, open mindedness, resin can be used as a fixative, water sprinkles from needles bless mothers and babies
    • Holly – protection against evil when planted around the home, carry to strengthen masculinity, virility and to attract a lover (men).
    • Pine – nature, centering, cleansing, healing, productivity, purification against illness, fertility
    • Ivy –  protects from evil and harm, gifted as good luck charms
    • Cinnamon – Energy, Creativity, Aids with Financial Matters, Courage, Lust, Happiness
    • Cloves –  masculine, luck, prosperity, strengthens friendships, stops malicious gossip and spreading rumors, infused as an aphrodisiac 
Now, if you have something specifically yule season to you, IT CORRESPONDS.

Remember: Intent over Requirement.

This means you don’t have to have everything EXACT, use a suitable substitution for yourself and fill it with your intent. I also call it…


Below is a graphic so you have something to pin or download if you’re interested 

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