Saturday, December 08, 2018

Wheel of the Year: Yule ~ The Altar

Yule is when we celebrate the return of the sun, the lengthening of days again. These are things we should reflect in our altars, as well as remembering old traditions, such as the Yule log.

This represents the dying of the fields. Any fall harvest symbol, tool, or crop could suffice, real or synthetic. Corn, wheat sheaves, gourds, apples, scythes, wine, pomegranates, dried seed pods, or even corn husks dolls. Acorns, pine cones, oak leaves! Set it all up in a basket or cornucopia for added effect! DOn;t foget the simpleness of fall colors and leaves!
The Christmas Tree is a GREAT way for closet witches to have a Yule Altar!!!! Decorate with as many natural items as you can find! ☻ Cover it in stars, holly, mistletoe! Make witch balls with herbs and spices and excuse it as having a “green” Christmas! 
The Christmas tree (real or artificial) is modeled from an evergreen. Evergreens symbolize endurance, immortality, infertility. The “Christmas” tree actually symbolizes the Yggdrasil from Norse mythology, and The 12 days of Yule comes from Old Norse traditions as well.
♪ ♫ The 12 days of Christmas, anyone? ♫ ♪
Here are a few Altar images found on Pinterest. Credit given as found.
No credit given other than photographer,
and I’m not even sure it’s an altar per se…
but can I have a goddess stature that big? Please?
Again, uncredited, but beautiful!
Again, uncredited, but beautiful!
Altars can be as simple or elaborate as you wish
and this is simple and wonderful
© The Sunny Alcove
Love this one. rememinds me of my sister in law!
© Naufragio Bella
i love this set up and the old table peeking from beneath
SO MANY! I can go on and on! Make your altar as simple as you want or as elaborate as you can dream.  Make it your own.

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