Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Spell of Protection from Hurricanes

As Hurricane Florence approaches the east coast, for the first time i find myself turning toward my craft to ask protection for myself, my family, pets, and home, as well as the friends and community I have grown to love here in North Carolina.

If you are able, I've asked my sister in Colorado to participate in this protection spell with me, and I would appreciate your blessings as well, not for only myself, but for everyone in Florence's path.
For this, I'm going to go with timing doesn't matter. If we're turning it on randomly from all over, the abundant request certainly cannot hurt.

If you only have a white or black candle or simply a moment of peace to pause and ask for our protection, that intent is greatly appreciated as well.

  • Cup or small cauldron
  • Boiling water, made salty to represent sea water (approx 1tsp salt per cup of water)
  • Athame or spoon
  • Candles~
    • White: peace and reflecting energy to the other candles (also universal)
    • Black: protection
    • Blue: to ask the water elements for peace
    • Yellow: to persuade the air elements for peace
  • Herbs
    • Cinnamon (stick or ground): success, action, protection, energy
    • Rosemary: protection and wisdom
    • Sage: purification and protection, wisdom, and health
  • Sit skyclad or loosely clothed.
  • If your path calls to do so, open your circle.
  • Arrange candles
    • White in center with others in a triangle formation around it.
    • Black in front; yellow to back left; blue to back right.
  • Light your candles
    • White first, then others in clockwise order, beginning with black.
  • While lighting say, "Guardians of the elements, please assist us in protecting those in Hurricane {Name}'s path."
  • Place cauldron or cup near candles.
  • Add herbs (fresh, cut, dried, powdered, whatever you have) to cup or cauldron
  • Pour boiling water over herbs and store in charge motion while reading the request above.
  • Stir and repeat as long as you wish, or occasionally, until candles burn out.
    • Alternatively, do so until water cools, extinguish candle by pinching or snuffer, and repeat every 12 hours until candles burn out.
    • Herbal water can be recreated or microwaved when repeating, if necessary.
  • If you opened a circle, close it.
Blessed Be, and thank you for your help.

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