Friday, September 07, 2018

Wheel of the Year: Mabon ~ The Altar

Mabon is when we celebrate the second part of harvest. It is a day equal of night and day. It is about a balance of light and dark. These are things we should reflect in our altars.


This represents the dying of the fields. Any fall harvest symbol, tool, or crop could suffice, real or synthetic. Corn, wheat sheaves, gourds, apples, scythes, wine, pomegranates, dried seed pods, or even corn husks dolls. Acorns, pine cones, oak leaves! Set it all up in a basket or cornucopia for added effect! DOn;t foget the simpleness of fall colors and leaves!

Think of Mabon as a yin yang. Equal parts. A representation of balance. You could use scales, yin yang art, white and black candles or offering dishes.

Here are a few Altar images found on Pinterest. Credit given as found.

Wigington, Patti. "Mabon Craft Projects."

The Wylde Hunt
Covenant of the Goddess saved to Altars Around CoG
Apple & Oak's Mabon Altar. 
Submitted by Laura Wildman-Hanlon, Weavers Local Council

Make your altar as simple as you want or as elaborate as you can dream.
Make it your own.


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