Sunday, July 31, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~ 30-Day Challenge ~ Day 2 Witch's Tool Kit

Merry meet, and welcome to my first 30-day challenge! I'm excited to talk "30 Days of Witchcraft" with you! To read more about why I'm doing my own 30-Day challenge, go to my "Write Your Craftpage. 

For Day 2, I'm going to talk about a witch's tool kit.

The first things you HAVE TO HAVE are:

Saturday, July 30, 2022

30 Days of Witchcraft ~30-Day Challenge~Day 1 Lughnasadh

Merry meet, and welcome to my first 30-day challenge! I'm excited to talk "30 Days of Witchcraft" with you! To read more about why I'm doing my own 30-Day challenge, go to my "Write Your Craftpage. 

While Samhain starts the pagan "New Year, I'm starting with Lughnasadh/Lammas because it is August 1, Monday and I want to get a little ahead of it so that we can all celebrate in our own ways. 

First things first, Lughnasadh (pronounced Loo-NAS-ah) has been spelled about 5 different ways in my research. Pick the spelling you can remember LOL! Lughnasadh is also the Celtic version of this Sabbat and can be used interchangeably with Lammas. 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Write your Craft

I’ve been trying to find a way to practice my craft more often since I’ve returned along the beam, but as I travel frequently, it is a little difficult. So, I decided to develop myself with some 30 Day challenges! I tried a "Roots of your Craft 30-Day Challenge" but found it to be too basic as I'm well past the stage of "How do you think this will change your views?" 

So now I'm going ahead with my own challenges for us. Jump in at any time or start at the top! All I ask if you join me is that:
  • You have a witchy heart and a desire to share personal thoughts about your craft, without judgment of others
  • Please give credit where credit is due by leaving any and all of my original posts intact when sharing (image, prompts, signature, etc).

Starting July 30: 
  • 30 Days of Witchcraft
    • 30-day Challenge
    • 30 words/phrases about witchcraft
    • Write about what you want, about that word.
    • I'm using it as research for things I've been interested in.
    • Starting with Lughnasadh/Lammas because it's MONDAY!

    Sunday, July 24, 2022

    Roots of Your Craft 30-Day Challenge: Day 3


    Link Back to @maddiviner's Original Post

    How powerful do you believe Magick to be, and why?  

    I had a long night and longer day.. I don't feel like typing.. I just wanna share what moves me when I think of magick and why it's powerful.

    Saturday, July 23, 2022

    Roots of Your Craft 30-Day Challenge: Day 2

    Link Back to @maddiviner's Original Post

    What do you think Magick actually is? What is the power or force behind witchcraft?

    This one is easy for me.
    It is everything. 

    It's the air I breathe. 
    And the Earth I walk on. 
    It's the water and fire that sustain life.

    Friday, July 22, 2022

    Roots of Your Craft 30-Day Challenge: Day 1

    Divination. Does it work? Would you use it? What do you think of those who do? Why?

    I do use divination in the form of tarot. So I'm a-ok with those who do. Does it work? It depends on how you look at it. I think it can help you decide in situations. What are you hoping the cards will tell you to do?

    Thursday, July 21, 2022

    Write Your Craft - Witchy Journaling Prompts

    I’ve been trying to find a way to practice my craft frequently since I’ve returned along the beam. So, I’ve decided to develop myself with a
    30-day challenge! 

    The first one I am doing will be from The Mad Diviner. I'm starting with her Roots of Your Craft 30-Day Challenge to get my gears spinning again! It's for beginner witches, but as we're really getting into actual workings in my kiddo's Paganism 3 homeschooling class this year, I need to refresh myself on the beginner things. So, tomorrow while she's doing her weekly homework, I'll start blogging. 
    I would LOVE for any witches, young or old, to play along. I have no idea where the prompts will take us, but I’d like to give more of us ideas to discuss our craft.

    All I ask if you join me is that:

    I will start writing again!