Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wheel of the Year: Mabon ~ Recipes

Fall harvest! Is there a better time for baking and hearty comfort food cooking? With correspondences such as apples, cinnamon, and nutmeg my grams apple pie comes to mind immediately, but there is SO much more!

Thought Co. is one of my go to sights for a wide range of ideas. The Mabon Cooking  post from Thought Co. includes links to: crockpot apple butterherb butter blends and there are more recipes there too!

A note on herb butters: if you want it to remain spreadable, whip olive oil or another light oil of your choosing into it AND diary free diets can use margarine or other substitutes in the same quantities to create the mixtures.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Amazon Associates

I've recently teamed up with Amazon Associates Affiliate program. All this means is that if you click on a link and order from it I may receive a small commission. I try to only link items I have used and trust, but since things sell out, etc it may be the closest thing to what I've got. I always look for the best price and value, because life is expensive enough.

There are apparently certain legalities so I don't get my hands slapped SO...

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Mabon Recipes: Gram's Apple Pie

Can I start by saying I LOVE THIS PIE! Grams wasn't heavy on traditional spices or sweet apples and it makes this my favorite. She used fresh ginger which is also harvested in the fall, so another win for fall harvest! Yes, ginger. It's amazing. Just go to the market, break yourself off a 1-2" knuckle and make it. I swear it's worth it!
Gram's Apple Pie, Thanksgiving 2017

A few tips on prep:

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Making Compound Butters

Whether you buy a nice hearty bread from the deli or you make it yourself, you can easily make several flavorful butters for any pallate. You can make butter from scratch, buy store butter, Amish butter, Irish butter... OR USE margarine if you can't have dairy and then add in your own fun.

Saturday, August 04, 2018

Wheel of the Year: Mabon Correspondences


Mabon 2018 will begin on Friday, September 21 and ends on Saturday, September 29. It will peak Saturday, September 22, at 9:54 pm EST in the northern hemisphere. (Yes, you read that correctly, 8 days. See my post here for an explanation...kinda.)

Mabon is considered a "Witchs' Thanksgiving" because it's our fall harvest celebration.

Friday, August 03, 2018

Wheel of the Year: The Deal with Sabbats

Four of our Sabbats (Yule, Ostara, Litha, and Mabon) astrological events - solstices and equinoxes, and change peak dates year to year within a few days.

Mabon (Fall equinox) and Yule (Winter Solstice) however last approximately a week if you just search for the specific dates. I haven't determined exactly why.. (I'm researching), but I like to think that this is because our ancestors took the end of harvest and the cycling of death and rebirth throughout those sessions seriously.

But, regardless, we don't have to be exactly rigid in our celebration dates. Do you think that if our ancestors missed a solstice that the crops went unplanted? unharvested? That winter stopped? Not at all, and there is no point in wasting that energy because you missed one specific day!!

There is, if course, a peak moment of Sabbats..a strongest point, if you will, if you need that energy for specific work, but Sabbats last long enough for thought, ritual, afterthought, and contemplation. The good news is that this gives us ample time to hold our festivities (use or spare a spoon or two, if necessary) and still bless each one well as we usher it in.

The other four Sabbats (Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas/Lughnasadh, and Samhain) are approximately halfway marks between each equinox or solstice and technically last approximately a 24 hour period the same dates each year. Their peaks are generally said to peak at midnight or high noon, depending on the event

During my posts about Sabbats, I'll give you the date spreads as well as peak times. Remember: solstices and equinoxes can vary slightly year to year and hemisphere to hemisphere. My information is for the northern hemisphere, US Eastern Standard Time. A quick Google search will give you your best peak times.

However, as witchcraft is about intent, use these days as you see fit, and hold rituals as you will. Intent is your only boundary, and blessings and offerings are always appreciated.

Until next time,

Thursday, August 02, 2018

New Blog Series

Starting this week, I'm starting a new Wheel of the Year series. Each week (hopefully) I'll post thoughts, ideas, recipes, rituals, history, and folklore leading up to the next Sabbat, starting with September's Mabon. I hope you join me!

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Blessed Lammas & Lughnasadh!


L&L Blessings to all! How did you spend your Sabbat?

I unfortunately had a migraine all day so we had a simple pasta dish and the little one and I spoke about what Lammas was. We plan on making our Lammas bread man on the weekend and maybe a barley soup...something we can toss in the crock pot while we go to the local museums.

I'll post again when we've completed our celebrations.
