Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Road to Becoming the Wide Open Witch

Rededicating Myself
13 Moons - A Year and a Day
Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.

                                                                               — Izaak Walton

(Please click the links at the top of the page for my blog posts & other content.)
I barely remember a time in my life when I didn’t follow the path in some way. I’ve always felt much more comfortable out in nature talking to animals, enjoying the trees… in the kitchen learning the flavors and uses of herbs… collecting stones, rocks, crystals, and figurines that meant something to me…even if no one else understood.

As a teenager I was accepted into a Lakota Sioux tribe and the idea of worshipping the moon, nature, Earth, Sun, gods, and goddesses that weren’t the “standard norm”, became a way of life to me. I’ve gone to traditional Church before, then, and after but it was never a comfort to me.

Over the last decade I’ve been backwards and forwards, up and down, along the path. Recently I’ve come back to it and I’ve learned that even in my absence I was skipping along. I’ve discovered Draconic Wicca, and as I told my husband and daughter the other day “I always felt like a bad witch because I never had an altar… but really, I always have” as we all stared at my shelves of dragons and crystals and it’s always been growing throughout the years..I feel like my Dragon guardians knew that I needed guidance on the path, even when I wasn’t actively studying/participating.

A Wiccan year and a day of study is the standard for dedication, acceptance, getting to know each other, and progression within a coven. As a solitary witch, I can offer myself no less time than would be expected of me from my sistren and brethren of the path.

My 13 moons began the full moon of 3/31/18 and ends with the full moon of 3/20/19. My year and a day will end 3/30/19 giving me time for reflection and journal completion.

tldr: So, long story short, I’ve begun a Year and Day study to rededicate myself to the Wiccan path. I won’t be tumbling all of it out as I’m handwriting it in a journal, but I will share some, along the 13 moons to becoming me again.

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