Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Wheel of the Year: Imbolc ~ Correspondences

Imbolc is the celebration of spring, observed from sundown on February 1st until sundown February 2nd. With the 1st being Saint Brigid’s Day and the 2nd being Candlemas. The Maiden aspect is honored during this time, as it is she who blooms with life. Loosly translated, Imbolc means “in the belly of the mother” where seeds begin to awaken, as does spring.
Imbolc is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature with evidence that it has been an important date since ancient times. It was originally a pagan festival associated with the goddess Brigid (goddess of fertility) and was later was Christianized as a festival of Saint Brigid, who is thought to be a Christianization of the goddess.
Below are the correspondences as mentioned on the image above :)


  • Red
    • Signifies: Strength, health, vigor, lust, danger.
    • Planetary Object: Mars
    • Day(s): Tuesday
    • Astrological Sign: Scorpio
  • Light Green
    • Signifies: Finances, fertility, luck, success energy, charity, growth rejuvenation, ambition, counteract greed and jealousy, plants kingdom including herbal healing.
    • Planetary Object: Venus, Mercury
    • Day(s): Friday, Wednesday
    • Astrological Sign: Taurus
  • Silver
    • Signifies: Purity, the moon, treasure, values, female energy, the unconscious mind.
    • Planetary Object: The Moon
    • Day(s): Monday
    • Astrological Sign: Gemini
  • Pink
    • Signifies: Healing, familial or emotional love (rather than sexual), friendship, affections, unselfish emotions, spiritual healing, banishing hatred.
    • Planetary Object: Venus
    • Day(s): Friday
    • Astrological Sign: Aries
  • Brown
    • Signifies: The Earth, grounding, trees, concentration, telepathy, spells to locate lost objects, protection of the familiars, pets, and animals.
    • Planetary Object: Earth
    • Day(s): Monday, Friday, Saturday
    • Astrological Sign: Capricorn
  • Yellow
    • Signifies: Knowledge, learning, concentration, persuasion, charm, confidence, jealousy, joy, comfort.
    • Planetary Object: Mercury
    • Day(s): Wednesday
    • Astrological Sign: Gemini, Leo


  • Amethyst
    • Increases spiritual awareness, used in all workings for peace, love, happiness and protection, used in divination and psychic work.
  • Garnet
    • Enhances strength and endurance, protection, healing, enhances self-esteem and encourages success in business.
  • Onyx
    • Enhances self control, confidence, mental strength, and is a protection from negativity while giving a feeling of being grounded
  • Bloodstone
    • Increases physical strength and courage, brings victory in the courtroom, used to banish, exorcise.
  • Ruby
    • Increases health, wealth, energy, courage, leadership and influence over others, improves sleep, drives away nightmares, and wards off evil spirits and depression. Wear near the heart to attract love and loyalty.
  • Turquiose
    • Believed to bring love and courage. It is said to be a protector against violence in thought and deed. Also good for reducing bodily and mental tensions.

Herbs Plants & Spices

  • Angelica
    • General protection and blessing, esoecially in the aid of woman
  • Basil
    • Helps steady the mind, brings happiness, love, peace, and money and protects against insanity, as well as aiding in peacemaking and making up.
  • Bay Laurel
    • Add to spells and potions to enhance psychic clarity, and it is said that when you write a wish on a bay leaf and burn it, it comes true.
  • Blackberry
    • Thorny Vines: Protection and prosperity
    • Leaves: Used tor everything related to female fertility and tea made from them is said to be a mild aphrodesiac
    • Berries: Represent an abundant harvest and represent prosperity
  • Celandine
    • Protective and confusing to enemies
    • CAUTION: Poisonous
  • Heather
    • New beginnings, and self-discovery, enhancing physical beauty, and bringing a peaceful resolution, attracts fairies and friendly spirits.
  • Iris
    • Reveals inner truth, Assists with creativity, energetic balance, intuition and divination, purification, protection, astral projection. Petals symbolize faith, valor and wisdom.
  • Myrrh
    • Purification and preparation for ritual, protection, and healing.
  • Tansy
    • Associated with immortality and eternal youth, use for craft related to longevity
  • Violets
    • Useful in spells associated with love, protection, wishes, peace, and healing
  • All white or yellow flowers
    • purity, new growth, spring
Please stay tuned for the next Imbolc post on altars. Until then, YOU DO YOU!

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Component Wednesday: Intent

Today I am going a little outside the box to discuss our first component, because I feel it is something that needs to be said, known, understood, and believed. There is one component in witchcraft that can make or break your wish, spell, ritual, direction, and the desire behind the spell. This one force is intent.

Defined and by law, Intent is the state of mind necessary to direct one's actions toward a specific goal.
With nothing more than words: a chant, a prayer, a wish... We can send our intent into the universe. We don't need spells, crystals, candles, herbs to cast intent. These other components can be used to direct and strengthen, but our real magic is our intent. It is the strength of our convictions. in our belief of what we do. This is why we can use various components to achieve the same goal. This is why we can use clear quartz in place of another crystal or a white candle in place of one of a missing color. Because they are general enough to hold any intent we place upon them.
So simply put: YOU DO YOU... carefully, please.

Disclaimer: This is my generalized take on it. I'm not a dictionary. I accept that your views may be different than mine, thus, I'm giving broad definitions, based in researched fact.

Follow along on facebook @TheWideOpenWitch or join my group, Witchy Eclectics.

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Terminology Tuesday: Wicca & Witchcraft

Witchcraft broadly means a belief or use of magic or magical abilities, often divinatory, and/or herbalistic or medicinal in nature in new age culture. The main credence is a strong belief in one's own abilities.

Witches of any gender can follow Wicca or any other religion of their choice, including Christian, pagan, or ancient religions ~ or follow none, being agnostic, or atheist ~ or draw from many being polytheistic.

Wicca is a fairly new pagan religion, that began in the '40s but was introduced in 1954 by Gerald Gardner.
It draws upon a very diverse older pagan practices for its structure. Wicca has no one central deity or figure, though it's typically ditheistic, believing in a Goddess and a God, who have many varying divine aspects.

In 1975, a group of covens secured legal protections and the benefits of church status by forming the Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), which has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

In April 2007, the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs agreed to allow Wiccans to display their symbols on the gravesites of soldiers, thus making it a recognized religion in the US Military.

Wicca can, and may, involve ritual magic or witchcraft practices, but it is not a requirement. 

Witches to not have to be Wiccan, but they can choose to be.
Wiccans do not have to be witches, but they can choose to be.

In short: YOU DO YOU!

Disclaimer: This is my generalized take on it. I'm not a dictionary. I accept that your views may be different than mine, thus, I'm giving broad definitions, based in researched fact.

Sorry this is late, migraine day  I do want to get this out first, I will find a fun component for Wednesday, and get on a decently timed schedule for Thursday.

Follow along on facebook @TheWideOpenWitch or join my group, Witchy Eclectics.